Premiums and benefits will be maintained …
This false news has created a stir among firefighters. Emmanuel Macron would remove professional firefighters premiums and benefits enjoyed by volunteer firefighters. According to the Facebook page HDP – Firefighters Stories , brainwashing was shared more than 11,000 times.

Now these alleged losses do not appear anywhere in the program foe En Marche! “It is false, confirmed a representative of the movement. It is essential to deny this.” When the new president evokes firefighters in its program, it is indicating that he will increase the size of the reservists of the National Guard: “We will take the staff of the National Guard and 85,000 volunteers in 2018. It consolidate all reservists (military, police, fire, police, civil security). The development of the National Guard will be promoted through the support of costs incurred, pension bonuses for commitment periods; and the validation of acquired experience. ”
Professional firefighters currently receive a fire premium built into their pay and more benefits (for housing, specialization …). In return for their commitment, volunteer firefighters receive allowances based on their rank. This benefit is non-taxable .