The Frenchman, Michel Barnier has now officially been authorized to open discussions on the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union. The first brexit negotiations with London should take place in the week of the 19th June
The 27 members of the European Union on Monday adopted the negotiating mandate of their envoy Michel Barnier, giving him the green light to open discussions on the withdrawal of the UK from the EU, announced the European countries.
“The EU formally adopts by the 27 members, the negotiating directives for Brexit and appoints the Commission as negotiator and authorize the opening of negotiations”, announced the EU Maltese presidency on Twitter.
The mandate granted by Member States is “firm and clear” , welcomed the deputy negotiator of the EU, Sabine Weyand, also on Twitter.

Three big issues
Appointed on the 27th July 2016, barely a little over a month after the British referendum on Brexit, Michel Barnier has already formed his team and toured the 27 Europeen countries to meet all its leaders.
The Europeans have set three issues that will be absolutely set for the withdrawal to be considered “ordered” : civil rights, the regulation of financial issues and the new external borders of the EU, with special attention for the Republic Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland.