Established by the Jospin government in 1998, the Prime de Noel is renewed this year to 2.5 million persons, announces Marisol Touraine …
Established by the Jospin government in 1998, the Prime de Noel, which is normally announced at the beginning of December, is to be renewed this year to 2.5 million persons on modest or low incomes, announces Marisol Touraine, earlier today.
Who Qualifies for the payment ?
The Prime de Noel is of course extended. It’s a boost for those on a small income, a few days before the holidays. The beneficiaries of Revenu de solidarité active (RSA) or the allocation de solidarité spécifique (ASS) are eligible. No special action is required: the payment will automatically transfer this week.
What is the amount ?
It remains unchanged and depends on the composition of the household. € 152 for a single person, € 320 for a couple with two children. More than 2.5 million French will receive this bonus this year. The government is continuing its commitment to those at the lower income bracket, after the revaluation of 2% of the RSA in September (approximately 230 € per year for a couple with two children), the extension of the cover supplementary universal health (CMU- C) and supplementary health question (ACS). Not to mention the creation of the prime d’activité that now helps more than 2.3 million homes, of which 500 000 young people.
Why the premium it is not upgraded?
The amount does not increase. But it is paid to more people this year. This is an additional commitment of the state, for a total cost of 500 million euros.