Twelve migrants, who left the jungle of Calais, arrived Thursday night in Sable. They were welcomed by the Red Cross.
The bus parked Place du Champ de Foire, in Sable shortly before 10.15pm. On board twelve migrants who left the jungle of Calais, earlier in the day. In the silence, passengers disembark and take their luggage in the hold.
In the streets of sable, the procession takes the direction of the social hotel, a few blocks away. Originally, 35 migrants were expected in Sable and La Flèche. Finally, these are twelve people who arrived Thursday night. “There was a family, a couple, two sisters, two women and one person” , explains Thierry Baron, Secretary General of the Prefecture of Sarthe. They will all be housed in Sable.

On arrival at the hotel social Claude Perrinelle, district president of the Red Cross, slipping a few words: “I guess you’re tired but we wanted to say welcome. Tonight we will welcome you and then you will be accompanied in different apartments in Sable. Tomorrow a meeting will be held here at 10 am with the prefecture. ”