Their game is available on the Steam platform since yesterday …
When you download their game, you have the choice of language. French and English, of course, but also South Korean, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, and even Breton! Mathieu Oger and Damien Mayance are two game developers from Rennes. In recent days, they scan the evolution of the number of downloads of their video game posted Thursday on the global platform Steam.
An idea “jokingly”
Steredenn baptized their space adventure in two dimensions (spaceshooter) that it reminds you more of the first Atari consoles . “It had been suggested jokingly, why not offer to bring us the game in Breton, a challenge that was was immediately accepted. These are our roots, our country, “said Mathieu.
Riding the wave of Retrogaming, embodied in Rennes by the growing Stunfest festival, the two developers have worked a year and a half on their Steredenn game, including the uniqueness of offering the game to be played in Breton, before marketing it. And obviously their planes and wacky weapons seem to seduce. “We put in some test players and we have a lot of good feedback. This is a difficult area with lots of competition. But if we manage to get noticed, we have a card to play, “says the developer.
To get noticed, both men have contacted more than 500 famous YouTubers to publish videos of video games online tests. They also rely heavily on the game’s release on Xbox, Microsoft’s console, scheduled for early 2016.