Fashion Week: Paris intends to Remain the “Fashion Capital”

General News
Fashion Week in Paris
Fashion Week in Paris
The Eiffel Tower will flash in different colors from 7pm till 1pm, for Fashion Week. With every flicker appears the word “Fashion” – Franck Mura / WWD / Shu REX / SIPA

It is no coincidence that Anne Hidalgo wants “the whole town vibrates to the colours of Fashion Week” .

The Eiffel Tower in the colours of dresses for Fashion Week until October 7th.  An operation that is part of the campaign Fashion loves Paris, launched Wednesday by the Mayor of the City, Anne Hidalgo, who wishes that “the whole town vibrates to the colours of Fashion Week.” An initiative which is not frivolous.

The coveted title of “Capital of Fashion”

“Historically, Paris is the fashion capital.  Haute couture was born here, “says Philippe Zorzetto, co-author of Dressing Dream Parisians (Editions du Chêne).

A title fight with its traditional rivals – New York, London and Milan – and with a new competition. “Not less than 200 fashion weeks are organized in the world,” said Frederic Godart, Fashion sociologist and professor at Insead.

Street projections on giant screens, lights and posters: “The fashion week has become a popular event,” Bruno Julliard,  first deputy to the mayor of Paris in charge of culture, heritage and crafts.

Strengths and weaknesses

Paris wants to retain his title and can count on “the number, expertise and experience of our fashion houses, the excellence of our creators, our artisans,” says Bruno Julliard, even if “efforts must still be done on the side of fashion schools, “observes Frédéric Godart.

The same goes for the City announcing want to “develop stronger links between schools and fashion houses” and “opening new diplomas at Master’s level.”

Fashion, “a major asset”

Why bet on fashion? “This is a major advantage of the attractiveness of our city,” said Bruno Julliard. “A source of power, more exactly soft power, which is essential,” believes Frederic Godart.

Paris has clearly in mind the importance of induced economic benefits in terms of tourism, but also jobs.  The fashion sector represents 60,000 direct jobs and tens of thousands of indirect jobs just in the capital.

Installation of young designers in workshops, a permanent exhibition at Musée Galliera, the Fashion Museum of the City.  “Abroad, Paris is synonymous with fashion thanks to Saint Laurent, Dior and Chanel, notes Bruno Julliard. It would be a shame not to capitalize on this outstanding capital. “

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