Partially closed this weekend, the bridge over the Loire is reopened to traffic since Monday morning …
Closed since Friday night for work to increase the amount of lanes, the Cheviré bridge is, as expected, reopened to traffic for about 6 am Monday. Good news for drivers who had to make a detour via the outer ring road or the Ile de Nantes to cross the Loire this weekend.
Improve traffic flow
The work over the weekend to the bridge was to create a third lane for 2 km between the Estuary junction and the junction at Bouguenais. The main Objective was to improve traffic flow by removing the deceleration caused by the switch from three lanes to two that existed at the top of the bridge.
As we could not widen the bridge, the technicians of Dir-west had to save space everywhere, for example on the width of lanes and centre divider between the carraigeways.
And now radars?
A study is also being conducted to create a third lane in the south-north (inner ring), but this hypothesis is complicated by a lack of grip.
In addition, two speed cameras could be installed by the end of the year on this stretch where the maximum speed limit was lowered from 90 km/h to 70 km/h.
The Cheviré bridge is used by nearly 100,000 vehicles every day.