Baccalauréat still useful today? Two-thirds of French people believe, according to a poll published Monday on directmatin.fr.
Is the baccalauréat (Bac) still useful today? Two-thirds of French people believe so, according to a poll published yesterday, Monday on directmatin.fr.
Of those asked the question, 66% of the French say they still have an attachment to the Bac and value its importance and this opinion increases with age of those asked. Only 53% of 18-24 year olds consider that the Bac is useful while 77 % of those aged over 65 years old agree on the importance of the exam.
The executives and professionals still highly regard the exam and defend it, with 73% of them in favour for it and defending it, whilst workers and employees, don’t think the same with only 53% of workers and 57% of employees hold it in the same regard.
Politically, members of the left and the right mainstream parties hold similar views in favour of the Bac, with 77% of the Left and 70% of the right in favour of the exam and the importance of it, whereas members close to the Front Nationale, only 42% believe in usefulness.
This online survey was conducted by CSA for free Direct Matin daily from the 8th to the 10th April on a representative national sample of 997 people aged 18 years and older.