A Medrano circus articulated lorry, jackknifed approaching the Laval roundabout in Chateaubriant
Earler today, I was just driving into Chateaubriant, when I saw on the Laval roundabout a jackknifed articulated lorry causing a big disruption to traffic and the Gendarmes out redirecting the traffic.
It was just after 7am this morning when the accident happened when a Lorry from the Medrano Circus, was leaving Chateaubriant after the previous nights performance. It lost control as it was descending down the Fernand-Grenier Boulevard, approaching the Laval roundabout when the driver lost control and the articulated lorry jackknifed .
Fortunately there were no injuries from the accident, however the articulated lorry which was also towing a caravan behind its load disrupted traffic, which couldn’t have happened at a worse time as it is the busiest time of the morning with people going to work and the numerous school buses.
Due to the position of the lorry, the gendarmes had to set up a deviation and alternative route for the traffic, until the incident was cleared. The truck was eventually recovered and traffic got back to normal around 10.30am.