French Sceptical about neutral tobacco packaging

French Sceptical About the Effectiveness of Neutral Tobacco Package

According to a Harris Interactive poll, 74% of French are sceptical about the effectiveness of neutral packaging of cigarettes.  A majority of French (74%) are sceptical about the effectiveness of neutral packaging  of cigarettes to reduce the number of smokers in France, according to a Harris Interactive poll released today, Thursday for the Confederation of […]

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A tonne of tobacco was seized by customs in the Loire last year

Smuggling – A Tonne of Tobacco seized in the Loire Atlantique

The customs of the Loire Valley made its 2014 report A year of good results in the fight against tobacco smuggling. The customs of the Loire seized a tonne of contraband tobacco, last year. “This is a very good result” says Christophe Cuidard, Director of Customs Loire Valley. “Two thirds of these cigarettes seized the Nantes-Atlantique […]

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The majority of French are against electronic cigarettes at work

Electronic Cigarettes : French against their use at work

SURVEY : They are also very skeptical about the effects of electronic cigarettes on their tobacco addiction … Six in ten French, support the ban on electronic cigarettes at work, which is one of the measures to fight against smoking included in the draft health law currently being discussed in the National Assembly. According to a survey by Odoxa […]

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France is to ban smoking in cars with children

Ban to Smoking in a Car with a Child

France unveiled a raft of new measures to crackdown on tobacco and electronic cigarettes on Thursday including a ban on lighting up in cars where young children are present and forbidding e-cigs in certain public places. New figures being published in France show that passive smoking is found responsible for the death of 73,000 people. The health care […]

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