Google will not have to pay 1.1 Billion euros in Taxes

Google will Not have to Pay 1.1 Billion Euros in Taxes to the Tax Authorities

ECONOMY: The State, however, could appeal the decision … “The Irish company Google Ireland Limited (GIL) is not taxable in France over the period 2005 to 2010.” Here is the key sentence in the decision of the Paris Administrative Court, which ruled in favor on Wednesday to US giant Google in its standoff with the […]

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CETA: The Free Trade Agreement of Canada and Europe in Six Points 1

CETA: The Free Trade Agreement of Canada and Europe in Six Points

The European Parliament will vote Wednesday on the Economic Agreement with Canada, which has been negotiated over five years. This text, which aims to increase trade by 25%, could be applied very quickly. It plans to lower tariffs. With some notable exceptions. What is CETA? The economic global and commercial Agreement known as CETA (Comprehensive economic […]

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Manufacturers have ultimately not raised the price of pack of cigarettes despite rising taxes ...

Smoking: Cigarette Prices will Remain Stable, Rolling Tobacco Increases

Manufacturers have ultimately not raised the price of pack of cigarettes despite rising taxes … Good news for smokers. The price of cigarette packs will remain stable, with several marks staying at the same price, despite threats of manufacturers to pass a tax on the distribution, when the price of rolling tobacco is it on […]

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Taxes in the last five years in France have risen

Taxes: A Five-Year Period Marked by Higher Taxes

The Minister of Economy and Finance Michel Sapin announced today a cut in taxes for the middle class. Since 2014, the government tries to reduce the tax burden. But the five-year term has been marked by a real increase. “Since 2014, the government decided to go to the French part of the efforts that had been […]

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Declaration online of earnings will become mandatory for high earners for the taxes

Taxes: The Online Declaration Mandatory for High Earners

TAXES The statement “all digital” will be mandatory for all taxpayers in 2019 … Bercy warned. From 2016, the online income declaration for taxes, will gradually become the norm and the paper reporting the exception. While the season of tax returns for taxes will open on Wednesday , taxpayers with high incomes must first pass […]

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The council of the town of mayenne have decided not to raise local taxes next year

Local Taxes: The Town of Mayenne will not Raise Rates

Thursday, March 31, at the town council, elected voted the 2016 budget Mayenne. It provides nearly € 4 million investment despite lower provisions. Should we increase the local tax rate of 2%, 5% or keep the same? This is the question posed to the elected members of the town for nearly six months. This issue was […]

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Taxes will increase for diesel

The Government Confirms the End of the Tax Advantage of Diesel

The taxation of diesel will increase by one cent per litre from 2016 … After years of heated debate, the government decided on Wednesday to start from next year to eliminate the tax advantage enjoyed by diesel fuel compared to petrol.  Matignon has announced “the principle of reconciliation in 5 years between the price of […]

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