Meteo France placed three Normandy departments orange alert to the heatwave.

Heatwave: Eure, Orne and Seine-Maritime on Orange Alert

WEATHER: The orange alert for Normandy is underway until Thursday 22nd June at 6 am. Meteo France has placed the three Normandy departments of Eure, Orne and Seine-Maritime on Orange alert for the heatwave that has been affecting a large portion of France over the last few days. The temperature should reach 37 ° C […]

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Meteo France have placed 33 departments on Orange alert

Winds and Storms: A Storm in Western and Central France

33 departments of the northwest to the Paris basin are now placed in orange alert for Sunday afternoon, issued by Meteo France. Vigilance has however been lifted for four departments: Calvados, Manche, Orne and Sarthe. Météo-France has placed an orange alert on an additional nine departments Sunday afternoon, bringing to 33 the total number of […]

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Departments in Normabdy are on a Yellow warning for snow and ice

Weather: Snow and ice, the cold settles in Normandy

Orne, Calvados and Manche are under a yellow warning for snow and ice during the night. Seine-Maritime prefecture triggered the alert “cold weather”. Three departments under snow and ice warning The cold settles in Normandy. In the night from Wednesday 8th to Thursday, February 9, 2017, the former Lower Normandy is under yellow alert for […]

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A warning for particles in the air for Normandy on December 1st

Normandy: Alert to the Particles in the Eure and Seine-Maritime

Air Normand warns against exceeding the threshold of suspended particles, for the day Thursday 1st December 2016, for Eure and Seine-Maritime. Vulnerable people (pregnant women, infants and young children, people over 65 years old, asthmatic or suffering from cardiovascular diseases) should limit physical activity and sport as outdoors and indoors. All information is to be found on […]

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Orange Alert: Strong Winds, 10 Departments on Alert 1

Orange Alert: Strong Winds, 10 Departments on Alert

Ten departments of the northwest quarter and three central-eastern France were placed in orange alert for strong winds on Sunday morning. In addition Calvados, Eure, Manche, Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Seine-Maritime and Somme placed on Saturday morning orange alert, Meteo France has broadened the Sunday morning orange vigilance to three other departments: Loire, Haute-Loire and the Rhône. […]

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Fishing and swimming prohibited in the Seine-Maritime

Fishing and Swimming Prohibited in the Seine-Maritime Coast

The rupture of a pipeline from the treatment plant Luneray, near Dieppe (Seine-Maritime), has resulted in water pollution. Shellfishing and swimming are prohibited between the beaches of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer and Veules-les-Roses. Following the accidental rupture of a pipeline from the treatment plant at Luneray, water pollution was recognized by the National Agency for Water and aquatic […]

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16 million litres of fuel have been delivered to the Seine-Maritime department

Seine-Maritime: 16 Million Litres of Fuel Delivered

During the day of Wednesday, 25th May, 16 million litres of fuel were delivered to service stations, from oil depots in Seine-Maritime. According to the Seine-Maritime prefecture, 16 million litres of fuel were delivered in the day of 25th May from the oil depots of the department, mainly Rubis Grand-Quevilly, to the different service stations of […]

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The "Pont de Normandie" has been blocked by the unions against the Labour Law

The “Pont de Normandie” blocked from 7.15am

The access to the “Pont de Normandie” is blocked this Wednesday, 25th May by the unions CGT, Solidaires, FSU, UNEF. From 7.15am this wednesday, the 25th May, the Normandy bridge is blocked, on the Seine-Maritime side by the unions CGT, Solidaires, FSU, UNEF.  This is another protest against the Labour law, passed by using the 49.3 rule, […]

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There are some shortages for fuel in the Normandy due to blockages of the refineries

Normandy: Fuel Shortage Threatens in Some Sectors

After the blockages that have caused difficulties to supply service stations, fuel delivery should resume, although could remain difficult. Seine-Maritime prefecture is on alert on fuel sourcing difficulties noted above in the Le Havre region and the whole department. “On Tuesday early evening, fuel operators were warned by distributors the possibility of delivery in the […]

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