Fall of 14 people in the Loire in Nantes: a call for witnesses to find Steve, 24 years old

Fall of 14 People in the Loire in Nantes: A Call for Witnesses to Find Steve, 24 years old

The IGPN was seized after a controversial police operation in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), on the evening of the Music Festival, during which a 24-year-old man disappeared. Three days after the Fête de la musique, the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) was seized after a controversial police operation in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), where 14 people fell in the Loire during the night while a man is […]

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Yellow vests: the police will be judged for violence, promises the prosecutor of Paris

Yellow Vests: The Police will be Judged for Violence, Promises the Prosecutor of Paris

Remy Heitz, criticised for his management of yellow vets and his reluctance to prosecute members of the police, returned to the six months of the movement. The Paris prosecutor Rémy Heitz ensures that police implicated for violence during demonstrations of yellow vests will be sent to justice, a way to “throw in” food law enforcement according to the union Alliance. In […]

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Various organisations will be protesting in France over the next two days

Climate, Police Violence, “Yellow Vests” … What you Need to Know about the Major Climate and Social Mobilisations of Friday and Saturday

PROTESTS: Associations with various demands foresee massive mobilisations on March 15th and 16th. From yellow vests to environmental NGOs to undocumented collectives. And this time, they want to do (partly) common front Two major climate mobilisations are planned this week in France. The global student strike at the call of Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg on Friday, and the Walk […]

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Act 12 yellow vests march in Paris against police violence

Act 12 Yellow Vests: A “Great March of the Wounded” to Denounce Police Violence

A “great march of the wounded” is planned this Saturday in Paris by the Yellow Vests, in response to the continued use of the LBD by the State Council. In full controversy over the LBD, the ” yellow vests ” parade Saturday, February 2, 2019 in Paris against police violence in an act marked by 12 new mobilizations across France , […]

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