Strike action on the December 5th against pensions reforms

Strike of December 5th: Who is Mobilised, Why, Until When?

Thursday 5th December 2019, the unions call for a strike against the pension reform planned by the government. Who will be mobilised, and why? Details and explanations. Every pension reform project involves a vast amount of trade union mobilisation. This will be the case, Thursday 5th December 2019, with an  joint union strike action which is also renewable. Who will be mobilised? For what […]

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Pension reform: after FO, the CGT in the street

Pension Reform: After FO, the CGT in the Streets

After the liberal professions or the RATP, the CGT calls to protest this Tuesday 24th September 2019, against the pension reform. Disturbances are expected at SNCF. After lawyers, doctors, pilots, nurses, the RATP or Force Ouvrière (FO), it is the turn of the CGT to march Tuesday 24th September 2019 throughout France against the future pension reform, for which the government takes now […]

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