Two policemen were violently attacked by a group of individuals in Champigny-sur-Marne on Sunday 31 December 2017.

New Year: Two Police Officers Assaulted in the Val-de-Marne, over 1,000 Vehicles Torched

The Eve of New Year’s Eve was particularly violent. In addition to the two police officers attacked in the Val-de-Marne, the number of vehicles burned is rising. The New Year’s Eve was marked Sunday by the violent assault of two police officers, beaten during an intervention in Champigny-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) and an increase in the number of vehicles burned and arrests in France overnight. A […]

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Manuel Valls has left the Socialist Party

“I leave the Socialist Party or the Socialist Party left me,” says Manuel Valls

POLITICS:  “Sit the group En Marche, it’s a possibility,” argued former Prime Minister Manuel Valls … “Part of my political life ends. I leave the Socialist Party or the Socialist Party left me. “Former Prime Minister  Manuel Valls , who” joined the PS 37 years ago, “announced Tuesday he was leaving the party in RTL. “Siéger dans le groupe En Marche, c’est […]

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Benoit Hamon wins the extended primary PS with 58,65% of the votes against 41.35% for Valls.

Primary of the Left: Benoît Hamon won with over 58% of votes

POLITICS: Benoît Hamon has largely won against Manuel Valls on Sunday in the second round of the Socialist primary and will be the PS candidate in the presidential election … Benoît Hamon has largely won against Manuel Valls on Sunday in the second round of the Socialist primary and will be the PS candidate in […]

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President François Hollande gives up being a presidential candidate in 2017

Francois Hollande gives up being a Presidential Candidate

End of suspense! President Francois Hollande spoke live on Thursday 1st December at 8 pm from the Elysée to announce that he would not run for a second term in the presidential election of 2017. While the opening of the period for applications for the primary of the left was launched by PS on Thursday 1st December, […]

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Manuel Valls has pledged 40 million euros for the tourism sector to reassure visitors safety

Tourism: 40 Million to Reassure Foreign Tourists

Safety first: Manuel Valls yesterday announced a raft of measures and a budget of several million euros to protect tourism, a sector leaded by the attacks and robberies like the celebrity Kim Kardashian. After an early evening meeting with several ministers including Jean-Marc Ayrault (Foreign Affairs), the Prime Minister has formalized a plan with about […]

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Francois Hollande Praises Shimon Peres

Death of Shimon Peres: Francois Hollande Praises one of the “most ardent defenders of peace”

ISRAEL:  The greatest politicians of the world have unanimously praised the work and commitment of this “peace builder” … He was one of the historical figures of the Middle East, a strong advocate of peace. The death of Shimon Peres has provoked many reactions worldwide. Several politicians have quickly paid tribute to the former Israeli […]

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Taxes in the last five years in France have risen

Taxes: A Five-Year Period Marked by Higher Taxes

The Minister of Economy and Finance Michel Sapin announced today a cut in taxes for the middle class. Since 2014, the government tries to reduce the tax burden. But the five-year term has been marked by a real increase. “Since 2014, the government decided to go to the French part of the efforts that had been […]

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Manuel Valls has confirmed that the French deficit should be under 3 percent in 2017

The deficit will be below 3% in 2017, reaffirms Manuel Valls

Manuel Valls reiterated in an interview with L’Express published Tuesday that the deficit of France would be below 3% in 2017, a target questioned in June by the Court of Auditors due to new expenditures from the beginning of the year. By the end of five years, “we will continue to act and innovate, while […]

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The vote is on Sunday for the controversial Airport project at Notre-Dame-des-Landes

Notre-Dame-des-Landes: Valls: “If the no wins, the project will be abandoned”

On a five-day consultation on whether to maintain the airport project with the transfer to Notre-Dame-des-Landes from Nantes, Prime Minister Manuel Valls said the protesters will leave the area, whatever the result. The protesters that  are “illegally” occupying land of the Nantes airport project of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Loire-Atlantique) will leave “whatever the outcome” of the local referendum on Sunday, warned […]

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