Paypal pulls out of Facebook Libra Crytocurrency project

Libra: PayPal Withdraws from Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Project

As a member of the consortium of partners including Visa and Mastercard, the group, Paypal had planned to invest at least $ 10 million in the Facebook Libra Cryptocurrency project. The growing opposition of many players and regulators to Facebook’s future virtual currency has finally defeated the willingness of a major investor to participate. PayPal has announced Friday its decision […]

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Threads, from Instagram, is available for download on iOS and Android

Instagram Launches Threads, a Messenger for Close Friends (and to Compete with Snapchat)

CHAT: Facebook puts on a new app, Threads for Instagram for sharing photos and videos for the youngest Was there a need for a new visual messaging app? Yes, answers Facebook. On Thursday, the company launched Threads, an app designed by the Instagram team, which wants to facilitate the sharing of photos and videos with his close […]

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WhatsApp: Why do not click share button yet

WhatsApp: Why Do Not Click on the Share Button for the Moment

CYBER-SECURITY: The messaging application, WhatsApp is currently experiencing a serious breach of confidentiality Security Researcher Finds Important Privacy Fault Within New WhatsApp Share Button located under various articles and content on the web. The button in question would allow Facebook to recover personal data of users, including their IP address. An illegal procedure since even if Facebook owns WhatsApp, it […]

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Facebook admits to having listened and transcribed private conversations of users

Facebook Admits to Having Listened and Transcribed Private Conversations of Users

After long denying such a practice, Facebook admits having transcribed sound recordings of conversations – with the authorization of users. One more scandal for Facebook. The Bloomberg agency revealed Tuesday that the social networking giant was using contractors to transcribe audio clips of private conversations of users on Messenger. The goal, as always: to better customize and target its ads […]

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There will be something new on Instagram and WhatsApp (© Pexels)

Instagram and WhatsApp will Change Name

The two social networks will now be called “Instagram from Facebook” and “WhatsApp from Facebook,” announced the US giant, Friday 2nd August 2019. Do you use Instagram and WhatsApp? These two social networks, which both belong to Facebook, will change their name, announced the American giant Friday, August 2, 2019, reports the website The Information . It will soon be called  “Instagram from Facebook” and “WhatsApp from […]

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Facebook Fined after leaked data

Facebook Fined $ 5 Billion after Leaked Data

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook group has reached an amicable agreement with the US Communications Regulatory Authority but has an independent privacy committee. The penalty was negotiated and the axe fell as expected after a lengthy procedure. The FTC, the federal regulator of communications, imposed on Wednesday a record fine of $ 5 billion (€ 4.48 billion) to […]

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Libra, the cryptocurrency of Facebook

Libra: Washington Launches a Warning to Facebook against its Cryptocurrency

DIGITAL CURRENCY: The US government is afraid that this virtual currency, Libra by Facebook will be used to launder money or finance terrorism The US government is not totally excited about Libra, Facebook’s cryptocurrency. On Monday, Donald Trump’s finance minister, Steven Mnuchin, issued a warning to Facebook about his virtual currency project, fearing that Libra would be used for the wrong reasons. “The Treasury […]

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GAFA tax "à la française" in the process of being adopted, the United States launch an investigation

GAFA Tax “à la Française” in the Process of Being Adopted, the United States Launch an Investigation

The “GAFA” tax, on the digital giants, must be definitively adopted by Parliament. At the same time, the United States is launching an investigation into the effects of this tax. The Parliament should adopt definitively Thursday 11th July 2019, for a final Senate vote for right-wing majority, the introduction of a tax on “Gafa”, making France one of the first […]

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Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram are back to normal after a giant breakdown

Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram: Back to Normal after a Giant Breakdown

A maintenance operation caused a major crash on Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram on Wednesday 3rd July 2019. You probably noticed if you were connected in the evening of Wednesday 3rd  July 2019: Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and Whatsapp did not work properly, especially for loading photos and videos. Facebook announced Thursday that everything was back in order, after a giant failure that affected […]

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Netflix accounts for nearly a quarter of Internet traffic in France

Netflix Accounts for Nearly a Quarter of Internet Traffic in France

INTERNET: With Netflix, Google, Akamai and Facebook, we even surpass 50% for only four content providers Watching Stranger Things in 4K consumes bytes! Four major content providers – Netflix, Google, Akamai and Facebook – alone account for 53% of French Internet traffic, Netflix is the undisputed champion according to the report on the state of the internet released Thursday by […]

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