The Châteaubriant Fête de la Musique

Châteaubriant: All about the Fête de la Musique this Weekend

Friday 16th June 2023 will be the Fête de la Musique in Châteaubriant (Loire-Atlantique). What’s new this year? We reveal the program to you. In Châteaubriant (Loire-Atlantique), the Fête de la Musique will take place on Friday 16th June 2023. As every year, it will take place in the evening. “It’s a bit of a tradition here to celebrate the music festival […]

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A varied program of music at Guingamp

In Guingamp, a Dense and Varied Program for the Music Festival on Saturday

From the Vally to the public garden via the basilica and the central square, there will be something for everyone during the Fête de la Musique scheduled for Saturday 17th June It is a beautiful poster, dense and eclectic as desired, which is offered for the Fête de la Musique (music festival), this Saturday 17th June, in the […]

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Organisers of the rave party near Rennes face 10 years in Jail

Rave Party in Lieuron: “Ten Years in Prison for Making People Dance”… The Party-Goers are Annoyed by the Treatment Received

On New Year’s Eve, 2,500 people took part in a wild rave party south of Rennes in Lieuron The rave party which brought together 2,500 people on New Year’s Eve received considerable media attention. The regulars in the field are surprised at the extent of this party and consider the imprisonment measures taken against a […]

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Free dance classes at the Conservatoire de Châteaubriant

Free Dance Classes at the Conservatoire of Châteaubriant

The intercommunal conservatory of Châteaubriant (Loire-Atlantique) offers several free dance test classes at the beginning of July 2019. You want to learn to dance but you do not really know what you want to do? At the intercommunal conservatoire of Châteaubriant (Loire-Atlantique), it is possible to make free trial classes to try the dances you are interested in. Courses for children and adults Trial […]

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Dancers in the shop windows of Cognac

Cognac: A Grain of Madness in the Shop Windows

On the occasion of Mars Planète Danse, the company Volubilis invests a dozen windows downtown this Saturday. Final at 5.45 pm at La Vitrine de Cognac, 27 rue d’Angouleme. The bearded woman undulates with a pot of beauty product, in front of a dozen passersby dumbfounded, amused and seduced. At 3.30pm, this Saturday, it was the […]

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SAINT BRIEUC. Artists will once again compete with skill and talent

Sunday 24th February in Saint-Brieuc, International Battle of Hip Hop and Breakdance

A thousand spectators are expected Sunday, February 24 in Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor) for an international battle of hip hop. The association Unvsti holding its 12 th international battle of hip hop and breakdance Sunday 24th February in Saint-Brieuc ( Côtes d’Armor ). France, Venezuela, Korea and Brazil This is one of the five biggest events in Europe of the discipline with this year teams from France, Venezuela, South Korea […]

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This Tuesday, August 21, 2018, discover the Argentine tango at Soho Urban Food restaurant in Lille

Lille: Free Initiation to the Argentine Tango on Tuesday

Tuesday 21st August, 2018, an Argentine tango class is scheduled at the restaurant Soho Urban Food in Lille (Nord). Details. Lille – Dance.  The association Moonlight Tango organizes a small introduction to Argentine tango this Tuesday 21st August, 2018 ! It will happen at Soho Urban Food in Lille (Nord) . In addition, it’s free … Alone or accompanied The association promises a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. So do […]

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Gypsy jazz in Condé-sur-Noireau

Normandy: Gypsy jazz in Condé-sur-Noireau

The association Musique et danse organizes a concert with the group Inspecteur gadjo, Saturday 24th February, starting at 8.30 pm, at the salle du Royale in Condé-sur-Noireau. The association Musique et danse organizes a concert with the group Inspecteur gadjo, Saturday 24th February, 2018, at 8.30pm, in the salle du Royale at Condé-sur-Noireau . In a style assertive, gypsy […]

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Start the year auspiciously, with Zen Weekend Dance creation in Lille.

Lille: Have a Zen Weekend with Danse Creation

Creative dance offers, for the first weekend of the year 2018, to pass a Zen weekend at its premises in Marcq-en-Baroeul (Lille). The Saturday 6 and Sunday, January 7, 2018 , test the “Zen weekend” proposed by Dance Creation in Marcq-en-Baroeul (Nord) . A positive way to start this new year, all carefully … Several workshops per day To enjoy the maximum, you can […]

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Some of the strikers, Friday morning, May 26 at Donges., Loire-Atlantique

News in Loire-Atlantique: Best of the Day this Friday

You do not have time to follow the news Loire-Atlantique this Friday, May 26, 2017? Here’s a summary of what you missed: the strikers blocked the fuel depot Donges; near Malville, truck lies on side across carraigeway; Nantes, the Square du Maquis de Saffré visited by walkers, etc. The oil depot Donges blocked by strikers Fifteen strikers spent […]

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