Milder today in the Charente, but thunderstorms should dominate the department

Weather in Charente: Thunderstorms

WEATHER: Milder today in the Charente, but thunderstorms should dominate the department It is mild this morning and rather humid with fog in the countryside. But the sun should break this Tuesday and the thunderstorms should dominate in Charente according to the latest forecast from Meteo France.  Locally north-east of the department, on a line Saint-Claud […]

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Weather in Charente, Dark skies and rain late morning

Weather in Charente: A Darkening Sky and Rain Late morning

WEATHER FORECAST: Dark skies will cover the Charente, with rain from late morning … It is mild this morning with 7 degrees in Angouleme and we can see some clouds in the sky. However it will not last. These clouds should darken and become more threatening in the morning, according to the latest forecast from […]

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Sunshine and rising temperatures for the Charente this Thursday

Weather in Charente: Sunshine and Rising Temperatures Slightly

WEATHER: Once again a beautiful sunny day is forecast for the Charente, with temperatures rising slightly Once again the Charente awakes under the sun and mild temperatures. According to the latest forecast from Meteo France, the sun will prevail in the sky and raise the temperatures even more since it will be 17 degrees in […]

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Good Weather is forecast for the Charente

Weather in Charente: A Good Day is Forecast

WEATHER FORECAST: Plenty of sunshine is forecast for the Charente, with temperatures rising in the afternoon It is cool and beautiful this morning in Charente although the latest forecast from Meteo France, promises plenty of sunshine throughout the day with temperatures rising in the afternoon. Despite the wind still present, under the sun’s rays temperatures […]

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1000 people on the streets of Angoulême

A Thousand People in the Streets of Angoulême

SOCIAL: At the call of the unions, 1000 people were on the streets of Angoulême, demanding increased purchasing power A thousand people parade on the streets of Angoulême (Charente) at the call of the CGT, FO, FSU. The demands: increased purchasing power, the maintenance of public services and the fight against austerity. The procession left the […]

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