An event dedicated to the small coloured brick is held for the first time in Nantes this weekend …
“It’s fun, easy to collect, and it reminds us of childhood.” This weekend, some 15,000 fans of Lego are expected at the Parc des Expos de la Beaujoire. For the first time, for two days, an event 100% dedicated to the small coloured brick is held from 10am till 9pm and Saturday, and till 6pm on Sunday.
On site, some fifty enthusiasts, many Nantais, will unveil the impressive public buildings. “There will be such a big stage of 10 metres long on the theme of the wild west with hundreds of characters, Forts, tepees, trains … that move, details Gaëlle Vincent, president of the association Brick Ouest, in charge of the event. There will also be other sections representing different universes such as: the city, the pirates, the carnival, but also Star Wars, a must! ”
Things to see and handle
Among other activities, a workshop will allow more geeks to learn to make brickfilms,small animated films made with small Lego people. On a stand, it will also be possible to follow a “very good technically” expert, engage in creations. To occupy your hands while visiting, the public can participate in the implementation of several mosaics. Young and old will find thousands of Lego and Duplo bricks that will be dedicated to them, in another space. It will finally be possible to enlarge your own collection by not only buying boxes, but also spare parts that you might be missing for your own creations.
Whenever the show happened at Rennes, it has been a particular success. In Saint-Fulgent, Vendee, last October, 6,000 people had attended. “Beyond the brand marketing, there is a craze for this game because it allows the possibility of infinite creation and a real intellectual challenge, ensures Gaëlle Vincent. Adults will find a way of expression, while allowing a moment of sharing with their children.
Entry is 5 euros. Tickets to visit Brick Ouest and Art to play this weekend also, are available.