The lots concerned, bottles of 250 ml of the Lactel range “Eveil Croissance Nature”, should not be consumed, announced the DGCCRF Friday 12th July 2019.
A return to growth milk the Lactel mark (Lactalis) was launched to a risk of the presence of mold on the outside of the bottle, according to the recall notice published Friday 12th July 2019 by the Directorate General of consumption, competition and the repression of fraud (DGCCRF).
[#RappelProduit #alimentation]
Ne consommez plus ce #lait et appelez au numéro vert mis en place par la société afin d’obtenir les modalités de retour du produit!— DGCCRF (@dgccrf) 12 July 2019
In individual bottle or pack of 12 bottles
The reference concerned is ” Awakening nature growth Lactel small 250ml ” with date of minimum durability (DDM) products concerned 11/09/2019, 26/09/2019 and 14/10/2019, packaged in individual bottle or pack of 12 bottles.
These products present a risk of “possible presence of mold on the outside of the bottle around the neck”.
“People holding these products are asked not to consume them and to contact the toll-free number set up by the company (0805 805 950) to obtain the terms and conditions for returning the product,” says the DGCCRF.