The 200,000 Bees of Notre-Dame Have Survived the Fire

General News
The bees of Notre-Dame are survivors

This is confirmed by the beekeeper in charge of the hives of the Notre-Dame cathedral, this Thursday 18th April, 2019

Survivors The some 200,000 bees that populate the hives of Notre-Dame cathedral resisted the fire that destroyed the roof of the building, Monday , April 15, 2019. This is what the beekeeper announced. the charge to AFP .

“The bees are alive. Until Thursday morning, around 11 am, I had no news, said Nicolas Geant. At first, I thought they had burned. But then I could see on the satellite images that it was not the case and the spokesman of the cathedral confirmed to me that they came in and out of the hives. ”

These are located under the sacristy adjoining the cathedral.

They would not have abandoned their hives

These bees (European species) would have anyway not abandoned their territory, says the beekeeper. “In the event of a fire and at the first signs of smoke, bees gorge themselves on honey and protect their queen. They do not have lungs but CO2 puts them to sleep. ” 

A real comfort for Nicolas Géant, who looks forward to seeing his protégés next week.

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