Grand Roissy Hotels Recruit: 200 Positions to be Filled on the 10th October

Finance Local News
The Job Forum is open to all, with or without experience. Participants are requested to come with their CVs!

A job forum for catering and catering is organized on 10 October 2018 from 9.30 am to 2 pm at the Maison de l’Environnement Paris-CDG in Trembaly-en-France.

More than twenty hotels of Grand Roissy – Le Bourget will be present with more than 200 job offers (CDI, CDD, extras, apprenticeship …) October 10 for a job forum  at the Maison de l’Environnement Paris- CDG.

The hotel and restaurant sector sector is a key sector of employment (21,600 employees) in the territory, with 20% growth in the number of employees between 2010 and 2017. This year again, more than a dozen The number of positions that are offered per hotel and the needs are much higher for the new hotels that are being set up.

200 positions to be filled

Beyond these quantitative aspects, the hotel and restaurant sector is undergoing major changes. New professions are appearing and “historic” professions are themselves endangered. Expected skills have also evolved. The stakes are all the more important as the difficulties to recruit on certain trades are numerous.

According to a Pôle emploi survey, hotel professionals estimate that 51% of the jobs being recruited are difficult to fill.

Diversity of trades

To accommodate more than a million tourists a year on the territory of Grand Roissy Le Bourget, the professionals of the sector offer a wide variety of professions: housekeeper, chef de cuisine, room service … but also needs in maintenance, computer, community management …

Faced with these recruitment needs , the hoteliers of Grand Roissy – Le Bourget are once again joining forces for the fourth edition of the employment forum dedicated to the sector on October 10th.

Representatives from hotels and training organizations will be present to meet the public. In addition to these stands, business presentations will be held throughout the morning by the professionals present.

This forum is organized by the Grand Roissy Hotel Association, the ADP Group, Pôle Emploi and the GIP Emploi Roissy CDG, in collaboration with the CA Roissy Pays de France, the EPT Paris Terres d’Envol, the Maison de l Jobs of Roissy Pays de France and Convergence Entrepreneurs.

The Job Forum is open to all, with or without experience. Participants are requested to come with their CVs!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018 from 9:30 to 14h at the House of the Environment Paris-CDG in Tremblay-en-France (Seine-Saoint-Denis). Access: RER B (“CDG1 Airport” stop, Bus (“Roissypole” bus station) or P3 car park (free for participants) It is strongly recommended to use public transport

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