Attack in Paris: Cazeneuve: “Nothing should hinder” the Presidential Elections

General News
After attack in Paris, Nothing should Hinder presidential Election

Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on Friday morning after a Defense Council gathered around François Hollande at the Elysee Palace that “nothing of should hinder the democratic moment” of the presidential election. A policeman was killed and two others injured on Thursday night in a shootout on the Champs-Elysees in Paris, claimed by the terrorist group Islamic State. The assailant was shot.

After the attack in Paris on Thursday evening and after the Defense Council at the Elysee gathered around François Hollande, Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve made a speech.

“Nothing should hinder this fundamental democratic moment for our country” , said the Prime Minister on the steps of the Elysee Palace, whose first round of the Presidential election is held on Sunday. “On the eve of a major event, I appeal course in the spirit of responsibility and the dignity of all” , he added.

Tribute to police

Bernard Cazeneuve praised the security forces in the aftermath of the shooting that left two dead, a police officer and the assailant, on the Champs-Elysees in Paris.

“It is our duty not to give in to fear, intimidation, manipulation that would make victory for the enemies of the Republic” , said the head of the government, calling for “never give in to division and even less the excessive “.  “It’s obscurantism and intolerance must be fought and that’s the unit that more than ever must prevail” , added Bernard Cazeneuve, echoing the words of President François Hollande, who spoke Thursday night.

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