Scaffolding 20 meters high collapsed, Tuesday 30th July 2019 in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. One worker was killed, three others are in critical condition
The tragedy occurred Hovelacque Abel Street, in the XIII th arrondissement of Paris, Tuesday 30th July 2019. The fall from a scaffold on which four workers were employed caused the death of one of them.
Workers carried away by the fall of the structure
The scaffold collapsed shortly before noon, as the workers got busy. They were swept away in the fall of the structure, 20 meters high. According to our information, the scaffolding was hooked to the roof of a building under construction, at the sixth-floor level and was unhooked.
One of them died as a result of his injuries, the firefighters said in Paris. He was on cardio-vascular arrest upon arrival. Reanimated a first time, he died after a new stop, without the massages lavished can save him.
The other three were transported to a hospital in critical condition, we were told. They were conscious but polytraumatized, with fractures. Twenty other workers, uninjured but shocked, were taken care of by the civil protection.

An open police investigation
The scaffolding, located near the Place d’Italie on the right-of-way of a construction site for which RATP Habitat is the prime contractor, must be supported by a team of firefighters from the Emergency Response Group. Using a crane, they will move the remaining elements of the scaffolding to secure them on the roof of the building under construction.
Effondrement d’un échafaudage à #Paris13 : la structure s’est décrochée du toit, à 20 mètres de hauteur. Les @PompiersParis sont en train de sécuriser l’équipement à l’aide d’une grue. Infos sur @actufrparis :
— actu Paris (@actufrparis) 30 July 2019
The street is closed until further notice, police, fire and Smur are still on site. According to our information, a police investigation was opened to determine the circumstances of the tragedy.