Womens World Cup 2019: France Dismisses Brazil at the End of the Night

Womens World Cup 2019
France beat Brazil in the World Cup 2019

FOOTBALL: France have beaten Brazil in the World Cup 2019, to go through to the Quarter-finals, to play either the United States or Spain

In their latest match tonight in the World Cup 2019, the French women’s team had to wait for the extension to win against Brazil (2-1, AP) this Sunday at Océane Stadium in Le Havre. Les Bleues are qualified for the quarter-finals and will meet either Spain or the American ogre on June 28th at Parc des Princes.

That it was hard. But after 120 minutes of extra time, the French women’s team managed to get rid of the Brazilian trap. Les Bleues have had to wait until the 108th minute before Henry delivers the spans of Océane du Havre stadium and propels the French quarterfinals.

France will face the winner of the meeting between the United States and Spain (tomorrow at 21h) Friday, June 28 at 21h at Parc des Princes.

The planets seem so aligned for French women almost invincible this season (only one defeat against Germany) and compete in the competition-queen at home.

“It’s our home, it’s a unique chance” to win, confided before the World Cup the President of the Federation, Christmas Graët, for whom the goal is to reach the final on July 7 in Lyon. A misstep in the 8th would be an immense disappointment.

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