Thirty people shared the Republican banquet organized by the Yellow Vests Paimpol, Saturday 4th May. All determined to remain clearly visible whatever happens.
In Paimpol , the Yellow Vests keep smiling and all their determination, even if on the eve of their Republican banquet , organized on Saturday 4th May 2019 , the Mayor Jean-Yves de Chaisemartin signified the end of their wooden cabin, since November, their headquarters.
Ty Melen, the yellow place, freshly repainted and baptized, will have to disappear for Monday, May 6, 2019 from the roundabout of La Lande Blanche. If they took note of this decision, the yellow vests reflect today on other means of action, explains Véronique:
“We talked to each other to find the best possible solutions to stay visible. We are in reflection but we will continue to be there, clearly visible. We are in a background movement, popular expression and it will not disappear like that.”
To the arguments of the electoral campaign of the Europeans which begins and the tourist season which arrives, put forward by the municipality, the yellow Vests of Paimpol-Goëlo remember that they are “neither a political movement, nor trade union. We are free ! “
When tourists, they slip with a smile, “some were also mobilized on other roundabouts elsewhere in France, and the first thing they do when arriving here is to stop at the roundabout. point to come to see us. “

No question, therefore, of being discouraged by the demand to dismantle their headquarters. “We have received many supportive reactions since then and some of them came to join us at noon. ”
It was on the lyrics of the song “J’veux du soleil”, sung in chorus, that they warmed up around a picnic before distributing leaflets marking 5 months of mobilization. A call to make the movement swell: “Do not look at us, join us! “