You can now browse the web, check Facebook or reply to your emails while strolling the streets of Coutances. An innovative free service in the Manche (Normandy)
The town of Coutances, in the Manche (less than 10,000 inhabitants), now offers free wifi – and secure – in its streets. 11 places are thus equipped with terminals: in front of the swimming pool, on the esplanade and in the hall of Unelles, as well as in part of the cellars, in the public garden (two spots, one at the top at the entrance, the other in low), at the foyer of the young workers, at the theater, on the Place du Parvis, at point J (young point) and at the Salle Marcel-Hélie.
A deployment of public free wifi terminals led by the municipality since the beginning of 2019. Coutances is a pioneer in the field in the Manche.

The registration to the wifi portal is done once, it is convenient. During this connection, you will be asked for several informations: last name, first name, email and phone number.
“They are used only for the purpose of securing the connection, says Jean-Francois Pouille, commercial director of Wiconnect, a company based in Alençon, which has achieved the implementation of wifi.”
You will only have to do this once. Then:
“You will be automatically reconnected if a terminal is nearby.”
Up to 100 meters in average reach, outdoors
Scope of the terminals?
“Between 30 and 50 meters indoors and between 50 and 100 meters on the outside, details Jean-François Pouille.”
Between 40 and 100 people connected at the same time
Each terminal will be able to support approximately 40 to 100 people connected at the same time. Knowing that an “automatic regulation will take place according to the requests”.
So, risk of saturation or not?
“There will be a life-size test with Jazz under the apple trees that starts this weekend, answers Emmanuelle Provost, communication officer of the Town of Coutances.”
This new service provided to residents and visitors is part of the project of departmental wifi network, called Maowi. A project carried by Digital Channel. Objective: to offer free wifi access throughout the department.