The children of the primary schools of Lannion will quickly make a new friend. His name is Oorobot.
The primary schools of Lannion will be equipped with educational robots bought by the city and made in Lannion.
Rounded shapes, two big wheels on the sides, a keyboard as a face, it answers to many educational tasks. This pure lannionnais product was conceived both in the laboratories of Orange Labs and in the Fab Lab of Lannion.
Mathieu Salvat, developer engineer at Orange labs explains:
“We wanted to make a robot open source, very easy to mount by children and inexpensive.”
36 purchased robots
“We talked a lot with trainers to know their expectations. There were already things on the market but none that were complete for what they expected.”
Hence the idea of creating and assembling it yourself.
Oorobot (for Orange Open robot) is intended to familiarize children with programming:
“There are two versions according to the ages. One with a keyboard, the other from a laptop. The goal is to program the robot to make it move or to draw and draw figures.”

Fun and educational
A fun and educational aspect that pleases.
To the point that 36 of these robots were purchased by the municipality of Lannion to equip schools.
Mayor Paul Le Bihan explains the commitment of the city:
“It is normal, in the telecom capital, to participate in this kind of project. “
Oorobot is the first robot accessible to all developed by Orange Labs, it is the Fablab who ensures the marketing kit. Other orders are already in sight.