Instagram: Cyber ​​Attacks Multiply on the Social Network

Tech News
Cyber attacks against users of the Instagram social network have multiplied since July 2018

WEB: Instagram users are abused by an email that seems to come from the social network that asks them to renew their password …

Instagramers are the target of a series of cyberattacks that has been accelerating since the end of July, according to cybersecurity specialist Kaspersky Labs.

In a statement released on Thursday, the Russian company said it detected, via its tools of protection equipping the mailboxes users, a strong acceleration from July 31 attempts “phishing”, or phishing on Instagram , their number has gone from 150 to almost 600 a day.

Most often, users are abused by an email that seems to come from Facebook’s social network, which asks them to renew their password: they give the necessary information to access their account on a page copying the one of the social network.

Complex password and double identification

“Because of its popularity and a number of users that today exceeds one billion, Instagram has always attracted a lot of fraudsters. Once a criminal has hacked access to an account, he has access to the user’s personal data and correspondence, “added Kaspersky Labs.

On his blog , the social network said Tuesday was alerted that “some people were having difficulties to access their account,” and assured “investigate this problem.”

Instagram also reminded users that “if you receive an email from us informing you of a change in your email address and you have not initiated it, please click on the + reversing this change + link and change your word password “.

The company also recalls the need to choose a complex password, combining numbers, letters and punctuation, and to use dual authentication to prevent third party control.

“Our current dual identification system allows users to secure their account via SMS but we are working on developing another dual-ID feature,” added the social network.

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