Cherbourg: Petition Launched to “Save the City Centre”

Local News
The association Cherbourg Local Motive, chaired by Alain Rosette (center), has just launched a petition.

“Aidez-nous à sauver le centre-ville de Cherbourg-en-Cotentin”: this is the name of the petition launched by the association Cherbourg Local Motive.

The association Cherbourg Local Project has just launched a petition for residents, traders, and users of downtown Cherbourg. It denounces the removal of parking spaces over the years, with an impact that it considers important in the economic, real estate and also societal. Already about twenty businesses have agreed to collect the signatures of the inhabitants.

“Business at risk”

Marie-Line Lefèvre , a shopkeeper and member of the association, argues:

“The lack of parking spaces endangers businesses, which suffer from a lack of accessibility. These are, therefore, job losses that will not be found elsewhere. In terms of real estate, a town house with too few accessible car parks will sell less easily, and that can be understood. In addition, with an aging population that needs accessibility to services, the issue of car parks and mobility is central.”

To share their position on many issues related to the city center, members of the association, which includes traders, but also professionals of the liberal and the inhabitants, decided to launch this petition in which it recalls its wishes : creation of new car parks , reflection to increase the capacity of parking spaces for Notre-Dame and Divette car parks, free buses  to promote public transport. Without forgetting a more global reflection on the accessibility of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin and the bicycle circulation …

Proposal force

Regarding the new generation bus project, Cherbourg Local Motive wishes to set up this service without a dedicated lane and preserve parking. For its part, the president of the association, Alain Rosette , states:

“We want to give people a voice on these very important issues. There are things the city does about these issues. And there are good ideas that emerge because the city is aware of the situation. But we do not see the effects behind. We want to be proactive and raise awareness about the daily concerns of the population. “

Thursday, June 7th on the market

To exchange with the population on all these issues related to the daily life and life of downtown Cherbourg, the association will be present on the Cherbourg market on  Thursday, June 7th . 

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