The rainy days follow the rainy days in the Seine-et-Marne. But until when ?
In Seine-et-Marne, the beginning of the year 2018 was copiously watered . And it is not the last days of March that will contradict this observation.
So much so that the Seine-et-Marnais can legitimately ask when the rain will stop falling?
A priorty, it will not be for now. Here are the forecasts for the next days.
Saturday 31st March
After a rather pleasant morning, the sky will darken in the afternoon and rain return to the Seine-et-Marne with the added bonus of thunderstorms. This bad weather should continue in the afternoon and at night.

Sunday 1st April
Enjoy the day on Sunday as it should be rather sunny. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, the rain will appear ….

Monday 2nd April
The rain should fall all night from Sunday to Monday before giving way to a beautiful sun during the day. Phew! Unfortunately, the fun will be short-lived as it will rain again in the evening.

Meteo France has already noted since the beginning of the month, 14 days of precipitation, about 4 days longer than normal. We are still far from the 23 days of 1979.
In total, in the prefecture, there fell 64.3 mm of rain of which 16.3 mm only on the 10th March.
As for the day with what Météo France describes as “good sunshine”, that is to say when the sun is present 80% of the time, there is only one in March …