A new episode of snow expected across France, from the North to the centre, Friday, February 9, 2018. 27 departments were again placed on orange alert.
Thursday 8th February at mid-afternoon, 27 departments including the eight departments of the Paris area were classified into orange alert for snow and ice by Meteo France. The alert concerns a small third of the country, from North to the centre.
🔶 27 dpts en #vigilanceOrange
Restez informés sur https://t.co/rJ24zzmmy4
— VigiMétéoFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) February 8, 2018
Snowfalls, 3 to 7 cm
Currently, “the weather is calm and unhurried. Temperatures are mostly positive, very close to 0 degrees on snow-covered ground, “according to the latest bulletin released at 4.05pm.
Forecasters also announce a new snowfall “notable” Friday
“A disturbance approaches Brittany in the night and progresses eastward in the day of Friday. The jellies will become generalized at the front. At the end of the night, arriving on cold air, the rains will turn into snow to the plain. This snowy passage will bring in a few hours a layer of fresh snow of 3 to 7 cm. These snowfalls will gradually shift to the east during the day and evening.”
The departments concerned:
- Paris and petite courronne
- Seine et Marne
- Yvelines
- Essonne
- Val d’Oise
- Aisne
- Cher
- Corrèze
- Creuse
- Eure
- Eure-et-Loir
- Indre
- Indre-et-Loire
- Loir-et-Cher
- Loiret
- Nord
- Oise
- Orne
- Pas-de-Calais
- Sarthe
- Seine-Maritime
- Somme
- Vienne
- Haute-Vienne.
Prévisions || Un nouvel épisode neigeux prévu ce vendredi. Plus d’infos ▶https://t.co/UfN03zIvYx #neige pic.twitter.com/FUQlRBACDv
— Météo-France (@meteofrance) February 8, 2018
TGV Traffic «normal or semi-normal»
Truck traffic in the Paris region, reopened a few hours Wednesday before being banned in the evening, was again authorized until Friday 5 am , according to the police headquarters.
These restrictions, which led to the technical shutdown of some factories Ile-de-France, had aroused Wednesday the anger of representatives of motor carriers, who criticized the authorities “the lack of clarity in the information.”
“Given the traffic jams we had, you can imagine what it would have done had we had more heavy trucks,” replied RMC Minister of Transport Elisabeth Borne.
The weather has also led the CGT to postpone indefinitely a national demonstration railway scheduled for Thursday in Paris.
RATP side, 80% of 300 regular bus lines of authority were operated at 11 am and “outputs deposits continue to be progressive depending on local road conditions.” On prefectural decision, no bus would circulate well in Essonne.
The metro and RER provide a “normal” traffic as trams, except T6, stopped because of a “frozen track.”

The suspension of school bus will also be extended on Friday in the departments of Essonne, Val d’Oise and Seine-et-Marne.
After tense situations in some Parisian stations, the SNCF foresees a “normal or almost normal” traffic for TGVs and “2 trains out of 3” in Ile-de-France.
Travel times will nevertheless be “significantly lengthened” on the TGV to Brittany, Pays de la Loire and Aquitaine, according to the SNCF.
These twenty-four hours of disorder have placed the authorities under fire from criticism of users and political parties, the Republicans criticizing the “lack of anticipation” of the government.
“The government which explains to you that we will prevent the snow from falling by 10, by 15, by 20 centimetres, this government lies to you,” assured the spokesman of the government, Benjamin Griveaux on France 2, while conceding that “we may be better able to communicate than we have”.