New Year: Two Police Officers Assaulted in the Val-de-Marne, over 1,000 Vehicles Torched

General News
Two policemen were violently attacked by a group of individuals in Champigny-sur-Marne on Sunday 31 December 2017.

The Eve of New Year’s Eve was particularly violent. In addition to the two police officers attacked in the Val-de-Marne, the number of vehicles burned is rising.

The New Year’s Eve was marked Sunday by the violent assault of two police officers, beaten during an intervention in Champigny-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) and an increase in the number of vehicles burned and arrests in France overnight.

A group of individuals “particularly virulent”

At Champigny-sur-Marne, the police had been called to appear before a shed where was organized a private party. “300 to 400 people” wanted to enter the compound “that was not sized to (the) accommodate,” said Monday the territorial director of public security of the Val-de-Marne, Jean-Yves Oses.

But under pressure from the crowd, “the bathroom door fell and people came in in large numbers” before being removed by police.

“A particularly virulent group of individuals attacked the police had to use tear means.”

Beaten to the ground

After a crowd movement, two officers from Chennevières-sur-Marne part in the operation, “a captain and a peacekeeper, found themselves isolated,” said to AFP a source close to the matter. They were attacked and “beaten” by a group of people.

the scene videos, became viral on social networks show a crowd of people rushing on an overturned vehicle. We then see several people tapping them with rods and a woman in uniform, on the ground, surrounded, receiving kicks.

Police reinforcements then arrived on the scene, “have used grenades and gunfire as a means of breaking the crowd” to help their colleagues attacked, according to a source familiar with the matter. Both officers suffer one of a broken nose, another concussion at visage. They respectively were prescribed ten and seven days of total disability (ITT).

Several fire engines and emergency preparedness were ransacked. Two people were arrested during the clashes, but the perpetrators of the two officers remain at large, the source said.

A “lynching cowardly and criminal”

The beating of the two policemen in the suburbs of Paris raised a wave of indignation in France, where President Emmanuel Macron has denounced a “cowardly and criminal lynching.” The President of the Republic has promised in a tweet that “guilty of cowardly and criminal lynching of policemen” would be “found and punished.” “Honor the police and total support to all agents basely attacked,” he wrote.

“We will identify those who are guilty,” assured the Interior Minister Gérard Collomb visiting the police station in Champigny-sur-Marne after “inadmissible” aggression.

Total Violence increased

Across the country, the festivities of New Year’s Eve, however, are themselves generally “well past” assured the minister, citing “very few incidents” reported. Some 140,000 policemen, soldiers, firemen and emergency personnel were mobilized during the night of New Year’s Eve.

The figures shortly by Beauvau however point to a number of vehicles burned and people arrested up compared to last year: 1,031 vehicles burned overnight (against 935), and 510 people were arrested ( against 454) including 349 placed in custody (against 301).

In total the department has recorded eight policemen and three soldiers wounded in the operation Sentinel.


Aggression Champigny aroused great indignation. The Alliance police union has again asked “return minimum sentences”, repealed in 2014, for police attackers.

The president of the National Front, Marine Le Pen, reiterated its call for reform of the legitimate defense of the security forces:

These scenes of rare violence just remember that endures and grows in our country, next to the terrorist threat, insecurity sometimes bordering on urban warfare.

Former Prime Minister Manuel Valls condemned an “unbearable violence against our police.” “We must let nothing. Justice must follow, “he tweeted.

New Monday aggression
Again Monday, two police officers were attacked and one of them was hit, so they wanted to control a stolen scooter in Aulnay-sous-Bois, in the northern suburbs of Paris, a-t- it was learned from police sources.

The incident occurred in the late afternoon in the City of 3000, a large public housing, said one of these sources, confirming a report in the daily Le Parisien .

Police officers who wanted to control a stolen scooter were attacked by several people. One of them was beaten and sustained bruises to the head and a sprained wrist, according to sources.

The other policeman fired into the air with his service weapon twice to “calm the situation,” said one of these sources.

At least two people were arrested and placed in custody.

In October 2016, the violent attack on two policemen seriously injured by Molotov cocktails in their cars in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), triggered an unprecedented revolt movement. Defying their reserve duty, the police marched for weeks to express their “unease” against the “anti-hate cops” and denounce the lack of resources.

According to the National Observatory of delinquency and criminal responses (ONDRP), 5,767 policemen were injured on a mission in 2016, a figure increasing especially regarding victims of aggression by weapons.

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