Partial unemployment measures will affect some employees of the plant in Craon (Mayenne). Lactalis production site is indeed stopped since the 8th December, following the discovery of contaminated baby milk with salmonella.
A spokesman of the Lactalis group announced yesterday to AFP that the details of these partial unemployment measures would be known “in the coming days” .
About 550 people work at the plant site in Craon (Mayenne). The plant is to stop following the discovery of the bacteria salmonella on the site. Some of the employees work in the disinfection of the plant, the others have been reassigned to other group sites, in Mayenne and Ille-et-Vilaine.
The Lactalis Group made three series of reminders on different lots. The last was in Thursday, December 21 and is about 720 batches of powders and infant cereals under the brand Picot Milumel and Taranis .