Before the opening ceremony of the Christmas light switch on in Laval on Saturday 25th November, the town hall and the prefecture have planned to increase security. One hundred people will be mobilized.
“This year, there will be no favoritism. “ Anthony Boukoucha, private secretary to the prefecture, sets the tone. The security plan will be rolled out during the ceremony of the Christmas light switch on of Laval, this Saturday 25th November, is more important than last year.
While the anti-bombing device is more than ever in force in France, the City received strict instructions to secure an appointment that brings the most visitors in Mayenne each year. More than 20,000 people are expected for the inauguration.
“The security perimeter was expanded, to avoid failures, pursuing the right arm of the prefect. The state of the threat is still high in the country, with twenty or avoided thwarted attacks in recent months. “
Traffic and parking prohibited

“The perimeter must be completely sealed,” resumes Anthony Boukoucha. To do so, dams blockers with vehicles will be installed at the entrance of the main axes of the city center, which will be largely closed to traffic and parking. At 5pm, No vehicle may enter the area and public parking will be deserted. “It spares no detail. A parked car with the keys in the ignition can become a potential weapon, “ he added, referring to attacks in the ram-raiding. A procedure used in particular during the Nice attack in 2016.
If their vehicles are parked on the street, Laval residents living in the city will have to take them to move out of the areas, failing to find their cars towed.
Visitors can move, walk and safely during the inauguration ceremony. It will begin at 6.30pm with the traditional fireworks display on the banks of the Mayenne, followed by the illumination at 7pm.