EMPLOYMENT: In three months, the decline of those seeking work is almost 2% …
Emmanuel Macron can breathe. Although officially the government will pay more attention to the monthly unemployment figures, the number of registered looking for work at the pole emploi remains a very scrutinised variable. And after two consecutive months of increase for category A, it is declining in September, with 64,800 registered less (-1.8%), according to latest figures from the pole emploi reported Tuesday.
Category B (unemployed with reduced activity) was down 1%, category C (over 78 hours worked in the month) recorded however a higher number of registered (+ 3.2% over one month) . In total, the number of unemployed obliged to seek employment (A + B + C) amounted to 5.61 million in September, down 0.5% from August.
In detail, the fall in unemployment is mainly young (under 25) with a 5% drop in enrolment in Category A. The improvement is less marked for the 25-49 age group (-1.8 %) and zero for more than 50 years (0%).