10 euros by the end of 2020, Pack of Cigarettes to Fund the Social Security Budget

Finance General News
10 Euros for a packet of cigarettes by 2020 in France

MPs voted in committee to increase the price of tobacco under the budget of Social Security, up to 10 euros per pack of cigarettes by the end of 2020.

MPs voted on Tuesday in committee the rising price of tobacco under the budget of Social Security, to 10 euros per pack of cigarettes by the end of 2020 in a public health goal displayed.

The package price increase of one euro in March 2018, 50 cents in April and November 2019, 50 cents in April 2020 and 40 cents in November 2020 under the article of the draft finance law social security adopted in the Committee on social Affairs.

Also provided is a price convergence between Corsica and the mainland, to be completed from 2021.

Only Republic (LR) MPs sought to delete the article, saying it would be better to work on the “traceability” of goods or “European harmonization of prices.” Through the voice of Isabelle Valentin, they also defended tobacconists who must be “accompanied, not stigmatized,” according to them.

For its part, the Communist Pierre Dharréville, a spokesman for his group, stressed that “the underclass will be the victim” of rising prices.

But the “calendar allows everyone to get a view of stopping smoking”, pleaded Thomas Mesnier, leader LREM on the draft budget of the social security system, recalling that “strong” commitment and Emmanuel Macron touting a “historic” increase.

The tobacco, which causes 200 deaths a day, is the “leading cause of preventable death,” also recalled that a doctor by profession.

Sugary drinks taxed

MEPs also voted on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday modulating the ” soda tax ” based on sugar, to better fight against obesity.

All beverages containing an amount – however small – of added sugars are taxed since 2013.

“The goal is not to have more money, but to have a more intelligent device” and “encourage industry to reduce sugar levels,” stated M. Véran, doctor profession already started under the previous five-year period on these issues.

Thus drinks will no longer be taxed under 5 g of sugars per 100 ml, taxed at the same level as today from 5 g twice now above 8 g and three more above 10 g.

“Does it go too fast and too far? “Questioned Jean-Pierre Door (LR). The rapporteur said he was working on a “smoothing” thresholds for the session in the Chamber next week.

The LR Group recalled that the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn had issued during his hearing, reserves on the device, preferring the “health education” instead of “tax the poorest people”, those that are more likely consuming sugary drinks.

But the measure was adopted instead of consensual, various MPs, including modem and Crossfire, wearing amendments have the same aim.

The Committee considered at the charge Tuesday about half of the approximately 300 amendments tabled to the draft budget (PLFSS) committee.

She did it without major changes, either on removing the IHR (independent social plan), on rising tobacco prices or rising key measure of CSG.

MEPs attack Wednesday morning at the party “expenses” of PLFSS.

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