Charente: Where to see the Rare Fireworks this Tuesday 15th August

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Where to see the fireworks in the Charente this 15th August

They are much less numerous than for the 14th July but a few fireworks are planned on Tuesday 15th August. Here at Life in France, we tell you where to see them. Feel free to add to the list in the comments!


  • AUNAC. Village festival with merrymaking, children’s games and fireworks followed by a free ball.


  • BORS-DE-MONTMOREAU.  Frairie with antiques, laser shooting range, cycling race at 2.30pm, animation with banda The Roundel and fireworks in the evening. Information: 06 64 26 18 47.
  • PAIZAY-NAUDOUIN-EMBOURIE. Frairie and bric-a-brac with rides, shooting galleries, exhibition of various artists in the sector in the hall, meals 8pm with a reservation and fireworks and free ball from 10.30pm. Town center. Information: 05 45 31 72 36.
  • LE BOUCHAGE. Funfair with motorcycle racing on meadow, rides, food and fireworks. Town Hall Square. Rernseignements: 05 45 31 93 54.
  • MAZEROLLES.  Frairie with rides, games, garage sales and fireworks. Town center. Information: 05 45 65 09 92.
  • VIBRAC. Bric-a-brac with evening fireworks. Information: 06 21 64 02 00.

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