1 hour 26 minutes and 11 seconds! This is the time made this Wednesday morning on the first train using the new high speed line between Paris and Rennes. Just one minute longer than the time originally planned. An event which was attended by local and regional representatives. For them, this is indeed a historic moment.
“Channel 3 attention to the passing train” . 11.57am, this Wednesday 7th June 2017, in Rennes Station. On the platform number 3, a dozen journalists were present and also many representatives of the SNCF and local, departmental and regional representatives.
All to see the first TGV use the the new high-speed line and travel from Paris to Rennes in 1 hour 26 minutes!
40 minutes less than a normal trip. A first well worth a standing ovation and the crackling firework flashes.
See you on the 2nd July
The driver, Yannick, greets the public. “A journey that went perfectly. This line is very nice and we discovered new landscapes at more than 300 km/h “
“It is a great success for this repetition that went perfectly,” explains Nathalie Juston, regional director of the SNCF. “It opens the door to commercial exploitation still scheduled the 2nd July next».

“Technological prowess”
Satisfaction also for Loïg Chesnais Girard, future president of the Regional Council of Brittany. “We are particularly pleased for Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine and Brittany. This is the culmination of years of effort and an ongoing commitment of all partners. This is a historic day “ .

Even enthusiasm for Emmanuel Couet, president of Rennes metropolis. “We were very likely to be mobilized for years on this issue. There was great anticipation and then we scored a first step before July 2 and the commercial exploitation of the line. “ An elected who also paid tribute to the ” technological prowess and staff of the SNCF “ .
Nostalgia yet for Jean-Luc Chenut, president of the County Council of Ille-et-Vilaine. “It’s a new era opens for the department but also the UK. I still remember the first work meetings there 10 years … “