With the arrival of summer vacation in less than two months, all the summer jobs in Strasbourg are still not filled
- With the summer holidays coming looming, for many, looking for summer jobs.
- A counselor from the Pole Emploi in Strasbourg guides readers of “chb44” to maximize your chances.
The holidays are coming. That’s the good news. But they come with some summer jobs. What do you mean you have not started your search? Fortunately for you, it is not too late!
To get started now effectively, chb44 took care of finding you a few small tips. Do not panic. Councilor for the Pole Emploi center at the agency Hautepierre in Strasbourg, Isabelle Nob will help you at the beginning of May.
Is it too late to look for a summer job?
No. Throughout the month of May, it is possible to apply. In fact, hotels, restaurants or others start to place their ads now. So this is the time!
In what areas should we rather watch?
All that is hotels and restaurants, of course. Agriculture also, or some shops. Although this is less true in the shops, but there are deals in supermarkets. And then there are also smaller jobs, home child care or supervision of children if one holds the Diploma Bafa: outdoor centers looking for people and organize now.

How should you preferably apply: online or face-to-face?
Both, because employers use both means to recruit. We suggest you put the CV online. Then go to the employer’s meeting but choosing the right time. Avoid the lunch break in restaurants or businesses when there it is their busiest time … It is also important to have a first contact with the head person in charge. And follow things: Once the resume is submitted, come back later to see the manager. Otherwise, leave a letter. And finally, do not hesitate to watch on social networks, because more and more employers go through this one.
What to do when you have little experience?
On your CV you must highlight your skills to overcome the lack of experience, whether volunteer activities in associations or sports. Because employers can, on our website, for example, search for candidates by skills. They also look at how much knowledge you have: how to talk, smile, etc. They are waiting for something else: they seek a nice touch, smooth presentation, dynamism …