The Salon de l’habitat exhibition has been a success and attracted 4000 people, seeking advice for the renovation or construction, visitors have advanced in their projects.
At 3.15pm, there is a rush at the entrance as the second afternoon session is opened. Two queues of more than thirty meters form outside the exhibition. As every year, Sunday is a highlight of attendance for the Salon de l’habitat. “It’s not always the best time for exhibitors because of the time of the year and the activities in the world but at least it makes us happy,” smiles Jean-Maurice Mesnage, president of the association Mayenne exhibitions and event organizer .
“The feedback is very positive”
Among the stands that draw on this eleventh edition of the exhibition, those who propose to visit a house or a kitchen as in real life with a virtual reality helmet when she is not even out of the ground. “The feedback we have exhibitors are very positive. They saw people interested and made an appointment. The fact that the entry fee allows you to make a selection.”
Last night after the entry count, everyone had a smile. Nearly 4000 people passed through the doors of the salon over the two days.