Three nursing homes are under threat of closure. The others will have to work together, says Olivier Richefou, chairman of the Department.
Decline in the number of Eight year olds
In the next decade, there will be a decline in the number of people aged over 80 years. This is a consequence of the fall in the birth rate during the years 1940 to 1945. According to Olivier Richefou, the president of the county council, the Mayenne has “too many beds in the nursing homes” during this period. A phenomenon already evident, especially in Coëvrons, which include many institutions. Hence the closure of the retirement home of Sainte-Suzanne-and-Chammes last summer that had angered a section of the population.

Many nursing homes
Mayenne reaches the 8th place nationally for the number of nursing homes beds (or residential facilities for the elderly, nursing homes) compared to the number of inhabitants over 75 years.That is to say 4500 seats for 33,467 people in 2013.
People come increasingly elderly residential
People age better and longer. That is why they remain as long as possible at home. The result: entries in nursing homes are increasingly late (87 years on average), with a dependence of more and more important. Residents there are also shorter (two years on average).