Police and military are posted on Wednesday morning in front of schools of Cherbourg-Cotentin, after the ‘specific’ rumors of a bombing on some social networks. The Prefect of la Manche is reassuring.
The prefect of La Manche, Jacques Witkowski has deployed policemen, soldiers and police officers in schools and public places in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche), this Wednesday morning. This is a preventive decision facing a threat of a ‘specific’ rumor about schools in Cherbourg circulating since Monday on some social networks and is obviously taken seriously.
“The police have detected a rumor, not verified, threatening a school in Cherbourg, which is not named , told us the prefect of La Manche, Jacques Witkowski. This rumor on specialized social networks and is the subject of a police investigation locally and nationally. ”
Survey underway
For now, the threat could not be verified, but in the context of international terrorism and under the state of emergency, the prefect has decided to deploy two gendarmes or police or armed soldiers in front of every primary to higher education school establishment. Extra police and soldiers have also been placed at other public places such as train station.
“An investigation is underway and for the moment I can not say more,” concluded the prefect this morning.
Yesterday morning, Tuesday, October 18, a college Cherbourg city centre had to be evacuated due to a suspicious package.