Chateaubriant: Work on the Stadium of the Ville en Bois

Local News Sport
Chateaubriant has invested 182,000 euros on the stadium Ville de Bois

The town of Chateaubriant invested 182 € 000.00 to set federal standards on the stadium for the Voltigeurs Castelbriantais who will play tomorrow. The detail of the work, step by step.

The football field Following the rise of the A team at CFA Voltigeurs last season, the stadium that had to meet certain federal requirements to move from category 4 to category 3 took a few extra square meters. The lawn, which measured 100 meters by 67 meters wide has won 5 meters long and 1 meter wide: so it is currently 105 meters by 68 meters. “The drainage of the land has been fully redone” said Francois Lopard, director the sports department of Chateaubriant. Also, sprinkler lines were displaced.

Renovation of the football stadium in ChateaubriantThe stands

The stands that welcome “between 1000 and 1200” people during games Voltigeurs were fully rehabilitated. The concrete that had been redone last year is covered with brand new wood.

Team Benches moved at the Ville de Bois stadium in ChateaubriantBenches key

With the expansion of the lawn, the team benches were moved back a few meters and secure.


“For safety reasons, we decided to install two windows on the side of the parking area,says François Lopard, even if the main access street by Winston Churchill will remain.”


The lighting was also brought up to standard, saving 8,000 kilowatt hours compared to before.

The goals

For the comfort of the players (and they mark), the goals of the City Bois were replaced.

The parking area

Since it is mounted in the CFA, the CASTELBRIANTAISE team is followed. Either: the public is more likely during games. The City of Chateaubriant therefore commissioned the metalling of the land previously covered with grass south of the stadium. Thus, the parking lot will accommodate the public in better conditions.

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