The tourist office of the department embarked on an advertising campaign to the tune of € 400,000 annually to sell the destination Mayenne with Parisians.
New slogan, 4x3m display in the subway and a promotional film for the big screen … For the first time, Mayenne Tourism has entrusted its strategy in an advertising agency. “Our ambition is to gain notoriety , announced Remy Beauvais, Director of the tourism office of the department for seven years. The main target, is the Parisians, “They are a close customer. They are only one and a half hours away from us and soon this will be reduced to just over an hour away, which will make the Mayenne department an ideal destination for them”, comments Joel Balandraud, president of Mayenne Tourism and departmental advisor.
The public agency has been working hard to double its budget from 200 000 to 400 000 €. A strategy initiated with the Nantes advertising agency LM Y & R, over a three year period, with the possibility of extending this promotion to 2021.