Francois Hollande said on Monday that the growth of the French economy would reach “probably a little over 1%” in 2015 and “1.5% in 2016”, but admitted that it would “not be enough to reduce unemployment” this year.
Francois Hollande said earlier today, Monday that the growth of the French economy would reach “probably a little over 1%” in 2015 and “1.5% in 2016,” but acknowledged that it would “not enough to reduce unemployment” this year.
“Growth, he resumes, is not enough, but we certainly have a little over 1% growth this year,” said the head of state during his press conference at the Elysee. “It’s still not enough to reduce unemployment this year,” he admitted.
A “law will be presented” after “consultation” of our social partners to “make legible the Labour Code” and allow “a better adaptation to the reality of business,” announced Francois Hollande. To make sure that France is “strong economically and socially,” the President promised “new” reforms, one goal will be to “make legible the labour code.”
The Labour Code, “is what protects” but “also thereby create jobs,” he said at its sixth press conference.
“We will give plenty of room for collective bargaining and company agreements to allow precisely that there is a better adaptation of labour law to the reality of business,” he added.
For this, a report is to be submitted by Wednesday to the Prime Minister office and to be overseen by Jean-Denis Combrexelle. This report will be “subject to consultation and then a law will be presented,” said Mr. Holland, without specific dates.
Hollande also said he had asked the Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron to prepare “a law on economic opportunities caused by the particular digital innovations.”
These innovations “may be a risk and we need to ensure but also a major opportunity for many economic sectors,” he said. “The social partners must take up this issue,” he said.