Black flag on the roads this holiday Saturday with 880 km of traffic jams at the height of the day.
After peaking at 880 km in mid-day, the equivalent of Paris-Saint-Tropez completely congested, vacations roads began to slowly relieve congestion in the afternoon. Since 1pm, it has been reported that traffic had started to ease and move more freely with only 538km of jams.
“Right now, we’re on the same type of curve than last year and if the record is to beaten, it will be of only a small amount” , says the National Centre for Road Information (CNIR).
Difficulties on the roads of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic
As usual, the main difficulties focus on the roads leading to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. The south of Lyon on the motorway of the sun, Traffic monitoring points highlighted nearly 75 km of traffic jams between Valence and Montelimar.
It was also stuck at Clermont-Ferrand, with a jam of 38 km on the A71.
Traditional measures of traffic control with lowering of the speed are in place. And more than ever, caution is needed because of showers and thunderstorms that are expected across the southeast of France.
Significant difficulties also arose on the A10 between Paris and Bordeaux and the A63 to Spain with 132 km of cumulative traffic congestion.
Drones on hoods
On the A7 towards Marseille, motorists are not surprised if they cross a drone. VINCI Autoroutes, which operates most of the main roads of the south and west of France, is experimenting with satellite telecommunications company Eutelsat “of shots via drones to live monitoring and continuous traffic conditions ” valley of the Rhone.
The company will will broadcast Drone live over the internet of the images “the motorway interchange A7 / A9 Orange, main motorway junction of the Rhone valley” .