POLICY The foreign minister said he had a conversation with Marine Le Pen who confirmed that “the economic arguments do not hold water” ..

Today, the Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius is attacking the economic proposals of the Front Nationale saying that Marine Le Pen’s party proposes to “jump without a parachute from the plane,” in an interview with Parisien / Aujourd’hui .
According to Foreign Minister, voters vote FN “in protest and disappointment.” “We had the right, some say, it did not work. We left, it’s difficult. Let’s try something else.Except this other thing is jumping into the unknown. ”
“The economic arguments do not hold water”
Laurent Fabius reports a conversation he had with Marine Le Pen, who he invited as party leader to the Quai d’Orsay several months ago. “I had a conversation with her who confirmed that her economic theories do not hold up.”
He cites the example of the quitting from the euro advocated by the FN . “The debt of France are denominated in euro. An exit from the euro, with the re-adoption of the Franc would result in a loss of value of the franc at least 20 to 25% compared to the euro. This would defeat the French of much of their purchasing power, and the state would be faced with huge interest rates, including the paralysis of our economy, and the explosion of unemployment, “says Laurent Fabius. “I said during our interview:” Madam, what you propose is to jump from the airplane without a parachute. ” She said in substance: “Why not? ‘” Says the minister.