Louis Gallois, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PSA Peugeot-Citroën, …
Louis Gallois, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PSA Peugeot-Citroën, said yesterday, Saturday that he was not favourable to the importation into France of “mini-jobs”, these low-paying jobs to direct the unemployed to return in the world of work.
“There is a dignity in work. I am also against ‘mini-jobs’ to the German or the British, “said Louis Gallois on France Inter.
“What I have a problem is the constant questioning of the minimum wage. When we pay the minimum wage, but we can not make the end of the month, “said the former head of the SNCF and EADS (Airbus today).
“Pay people four euros per hour and then say it will be the state or local government to complement it and top it up , is not what I want,” he said .
More than 2.4 million German workers were employed in 2013 in a “mini-job”, in which these contracts were exempt from social charges but whose remuneration is capped at 450 euros per month.
The introduction on the French market using a device similar to that designed by the former head of Volkswagen Peter Hartz, Germany, has regularly been raised by MEDEF in recent years as part of an overhaul of Labour Code.
The boss of bosses, Pierre Gattaz, has proposed last Thursday to businesses, to hire staff at just 80% of the minimum wage, the adults would have contracts for 18 to 24 months, and the difference should be supplemented by other devices to reach the minimum wage.
Louis Gallois, the return of a “favourable climate for employment” comes first with “a real dialogue between the social partners” which currently do not reach agreement.
“What strikes me is that we do not feel a real trust between the social partners, or that’s what makes the strength of Germany”, he said.
“The labour cost is a factor, but what is decisive for business leaders is that they have a growth perspective because there has spare capacity now,” Judge Louis Gallois.
In this regard, “the recovery of employment will be only gradual, it will be clearer in 2016 than in 2015,” he says.