The state plans to levy a tax of 3 euros on each carte grise issued in France

Soon a New Tax on the Carte Grise?

The government is considering the introduction of a tax of 3 euros on the Carte Grise. Additional revenue to finance pollution controls A “tax” anti-diesel-Gate in the boxes of the State? This is what  Le Parisien,  who announced on Monday the government’s plan, thinks he knows . Three euros more on each Carte Grise ? According to our colleagues, the executive would […]

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The taxe d'habitation of 80% of tax households has fallen by 30%

Why Your Taxe d’Habitation May Have Gone Up (When it Should Go Down)

For eight French people out of 10, the Taxe d’Habitation has fallen, as expected, by 30%. For others, the tax has decreased slightly and sometimes even increased. Explanations. For 22 million homes, the taxe d’habitation fell by 30% this autumn . Some French people, who thought they could benefit from this boost at the beginning of the year , had the bad […]

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Calls for a Block against Fuel Increases removed from Facebook

November 17th Protest Against Rising Fuel Prices: Why Events have Disappeared from Facebook

Internet users cry out for “censorship” and “conspiracy” after the disappearance of Facebook events dedicated to blocking on Saturday 17th November, 2018. What really happened Here is the conspiracy theory again. Grumbling around rising fuel prices in France … and demonstrations called  ” national block against the rise in fuel prices” abound throughout the hexagon, with a date in mind: Saturday 17th November, 2018 . A petition […]

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Government promises tax cuts for 2019

Budget 2019: 6 Billion Tax Cuts for Households, Promises the Government

Monday was presented in the Council of Ministers the draft budget law for 2019. The government promises 6 billion euros of tax cuts for households. Details. The government, criticized for its policy deemed unequal, defended on Monday the “coherence” of its draft budget 2019 by promising to restore purchasing power to households , despite savings measures decided to reduce public […]

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Fuel taxes will increase in 2019

Fuel: Taxes on Diesel and Gasoline Will (Still) Increase in 2019

The government has announced the increase of taxes of 7 cents on diesel and 4 cents on petrol, from 2019. In return, it encourages the scrapping premium. Will driving a car become a luxury? The government is continuing to raise  fuel taxes.  In 2019, those on gasoline will increase by 4 cents per liter next year , and those on diesel 7 […]

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The traffickers were arrested in the act, in Toulouse.

Cigarette Trafficking Between Andorra and Toulouse: More than 700 Packets Seized

Several people were arrested in Toulouse on the night of Sunday 19th to Monday 20th August 2018, with more than 700 cartons of tobacco, from Andorra. The details. On the night of Sunday 19th to Monday 20th August 2018, around 4:30 am,  the police of the anti-crime squad arrested nine people in the area of ​​the boulevard de […]

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Some Cigarette and tobacco brands increase in price

New Rise in the Price of Tobacco: The Packets of Cigarettes Concerned

A further rise in the price of cigarettes and tobacco took place yesterday, Monday 20th August, 2018. An increase between 20 and 30 cents, which applies to certain brands.  Some smokers will not be happy, as from yesterday, Monday 20th August, 2018. Because the price of some packets of cigarettes and tobacco increases, according to a decree published in […]

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Theresa May invents the principle of a "joint customs zone" to allow trade with Ireland despite the exit of the UK from the EU

Brexit: Theresa May Invents the Principle of Double Customs Tariffs for Ireland

British Prime Minister Theresa May details on Monday, in front of his Parliament a specific point of her sweet Brexit: differentiated customs duties. A complex system, but one that has the advantage of not handing checks to the border between the two Ireland. Theresa May is presenting this Monday, in the British Parliament, the strategy of the […]

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Harley-Davidson relocates to avoid taxes

Trump Criticizes Harley-Davidson, Which will Relocate its Production to Avoid European Taxes

COMMERCIAL WAR: The motorcycle builder, Harley-Davidson, estimates that the taxes imposed by the European Union increase the price of each bike of 2,200 dollars … The first consequences of the customs wrestling between the United States and the European Union are already being felt. Harley-Davidson announces it will be releasing its production of motorcycles for export outside the United […]

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